Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Master’s Index

After reading Chambers' entry for this morning, I have this statement running around in my head that I somehow have to be good enough for my Master to hear my prayers. That doesn't square well with being spiritually poor. I get what he's saying though; I can't run around devoid of attention to my Master and still expect that I ask anywhere close to His will. In other words, this sort of dovetails nicely with other entries, those about knowing my Master's will to ask in His name, and those about confidence before my Master stemming from emptiness before Him.

But still, the way it was written, the sense that I somehow have to "measure up" is clear in his use of the word "index" (note definitions 3 and 4). What am I supposed to use as an index? If it is the Scriptures, then it smacks somewhat of legalism. If it is other believers, then it smacks of…well, it's not biblical that's for sure. But I suspect the index is made up of several things, one being willingness to use it. Openness before my Master and His Spirit make up the primary source of the index. Then Scripture can be rightly used to evaluate or indicate something about my state of righteousness.

So, again, prayer (another element of my relationship with my Master) comes down to my submission to my Master. Submission continues to be the key to everything about my relationship with my Master. I can't even muster the ability to evaluate my own life. I have to submit to His revelation and application of Scripture in my life to do that. I can't even just read it for myself, I need Him to explain it to me, and apply it to my life. It is a wonder I can wipe my own nose without Him (actually even that – I often need others He has placed around me to know when my nose needs wiping).

This may sound silly and overdone, but this is exactly where He needs me. This is the approach to spiritual poverty I have to have before His Kingdom is open to me. I need that to be the Knight of the Realm He has designated me to be. I need this spiritual poverty before I can be of any use as a servant. This requirement of poverty is a wonder to me, but I see its necessity. It goes with the realization that I can do nothing to impress One who forms stars (the giant balls of fusing atoms of Hydrogen and Helium in deep space, not famous people – that's the best we can do – sad isn't it?).

In a sense, this blog is a way my Master uses an index with me. Through this blog, I can see the indicators that my relationship with my Master is out of whack somewhere. I can evaluate my attitudes and thoughts, and therefore, my heart. I can see clearer the things my Master is pointing out to me about myself; areas He wants to work and chip away more of what does not reflect His character, and blurs His image. So what I do here is partly a way to be accountable, and partly a way to journal my life, to continue to take personal inventory, and when I'm wrong promptly admit it.

I guess the application of this today is to allow the index, submit to my Master's use of it and revelation of my character, and then to submit to His changes. That should be easy when one of my customers wants to complain about how their lack of attention to detail is somehow my problem. Or when my manager wants me to do or not do something I strongly disagree with (on principle, not ethically), I bet this evaluation will be clear and easy for me to focus on. But it will be at those times when I most need my Master, His input, His Spirit, and His index in my life. Bring it on.

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, August 24

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