Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Master’s Empty-Hearted Clay Pot: That’s Where My Real Value Is

Chambers uses the same verse today; he just focuses on the first part, where Jesus gathers the disciples. Chambers' point is that to be gathered by Jesus I need to be available without any assumption I am needed or have something for my Master in and of myself. This is the "Poor in spirit" quality that will have a part in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is what actually makes what I am available to my Master.  Chambers says belief  that I actually bring something of value means I have my own ends to accomplish and am not totally available to Him. I don't know if I agree with that exactly, that I might have my own ends, but I do agree that it limits my availability.

I have a problem in this area that stems from my education. Before I started religious education I was probably more available to my Master because I didn't think I had what I needed to be of value. But religious education has a way of impressing a sense of value on the believer. The biggest area for me is that I don't approach Scripture like everyone else, which can be a problem, not necessarily a good thing. It feels different and can be a source of pride, as well as something I get attention for. My personal application is not great though. And since that is really the mark of understanding, it seems that my education hasn't done much for me where it counts most. All my education, and supposed understanding hasn't kept me from my addiction. Even with what I know, I am impoverished before my Master.

It's not that my education can't be used by my Master, nor is that education is bad, or that the school I attended was a problem. The problem is my attitude toward my knowledge. I have told my brilliant daughter that there will always be someone more knowledgeable. My experience has borne that out. Away from Fort Worth, I may seem "Bible-brilliant" but around that area, with two large seminaries, I'm pretty average. Why people don't move away from school would take up several blog entries, and I don't understand it anyway, so I won't bother.

Functionally, the knowledge serves a purpose as Paul's did him, but only as I bring it to my Master, surrender it to Him, and let Him show me what He can do with it. It is only as valuable as a sign-post of His glory. If it demonstrates my own, it's actually a distraction; a billboard rather than a sign-post. My application of this entry is to become the sign-post. As Jesus emptied Himself of His glory and became a man, I need to empty myself and come to Him. The value I have is as a clay pot containing the inexpressible glory of my Master. In that I am valuable to my Master; not the outward decoration or finish, but the inside empty space available for His storage. How open and empty is my heart, my mind, my life? Not empty enough. I think I might need the scrubber for some of this residue…and soap, lots of soap. Time to do the dish washing.

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, August 4

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