Monday, November 7, 2011

Good on Purpose, in Prayer and Circumstances

Does God work all things in my life together to provide subject matter for my intercessory prayer?  I’m sure He does, but I don’t think it is limited to that.  I also believe He works all things together for good in my life as part of His will in reaching my neighborhood, my community, and so on.  I fit in this place at this time for a specific purpose of my Master.  I don’t know what it is, but I know that knowledge is coming.  Until it does, my responsibility is to be available to Him in my daily life.

Ironically, the verse does not read in Greek like I thought it would.  There isn’t something that says it is God’s plan/purpose.  That is implied by the “called” characteristic, and it is that.  The word, “called” is an adjective, not a verb.  It describes those referred to.  The verb is a participle of the verb to be.  The last phrase reads, “…, to/for the ones being called according to a plan/purpose.”  The plan and purpose refer to God’s plan or purpose only because the ones are “called”.  What Paul is doing by phrasing it in this way is keeping the reference to “all things” open to whatever God might be doing instead of some single plan He does everywhere. 

That means it applies to me here.  I have the unmistakable stamp of God’s direction to this place and to be settled in this place.  Now, all things will work together for good.  The last piece is that I need to permit my Master to define “good”.  Just when I thought it was going to be easy, reality settles in.  It’s not what I think is good, or good for me, at least not necessarily.  What will be produced by the working together of all things is what is good for my Master’s Kingdom.  That will be a good that will reach lives in this neighborhood and community.  I can think of nothing better.

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