Thursday, November 17, 2011

Devotional Obedience, Instead of Guilty Acquiescence

Obedience as the key to the nature of my Master is not a new theme with Chambers.  But in using Genesis 22, he makes his point with a sledge hammer.  In verses 15-19, the account wraps up with the second statement from the Angel of Yahweh.  The nations of the world will be blessed through Abraham’s innumerable seed because of Abraham’s obedience that had no limits.  There is a prerequisite for obedience though.  I have to hear my Master’s voice.

I suppose there are a lot of reasons I may not.  One of the ones I think I overlook most often is that I am already doing what He wants; He’s not asking me to change or add something else to my work for Him.  This doesn’t mean I’ve arrived or I’m already so useful there’s nothing left to do.  It means the work He’s doing He is doing through someone else.  Part of the lesson is humility and learning to become willing to be in the background.  Obedience for me is not just doing what I’m told, but not doing what I’m not told.

Some things I know to do regardless.  I am to be kind to others, love my enemies, bless those who curse me, and walk an extra mile with the civic leader taking advantage of me.  Those things are not dependent upon my Master telling me to be them.  I also know that I am to seek Him constantly in worship and prayer.  That’s not something I do only when He calls me to it.  I seek to discern His hands in the works of nature around me.  I share what He provides to me with others.  And I blog.

But when it comes to fitting into the fabric of my church, there I have to be mindful of my Master’s leading.  I am to fit, submit to the pastor and leaders, and participate.  But the degree and the specific role are designated by my Master, not by what I think I would enjoy the most or get me the most attention.  There are things I’m not supposed to do because He has them designated for someone else.  I need to listen for His voice in these things, and go where He tells me, not where He doesn’t.

This runs against my co-dependency and my people-pleasing nature.  I want people to be happy with me and it’s something I think I can control.  Both things fly in the face of my servitude to my Master.  I want Him to be happy, and I can’t control Him or others.  If my Master is happy with me, then even my family can be unhappy with me.  But I have to be sure He is happy.  I have to seek His face and listen for His voice.  Sure He often speaks through the faces of others, but it is discerning His voice through the noise of their desperation that is so needed.

So, Abraham I am not, but such as I am will I be.  And I can only hope to grow in my relationship with my Master that His voice is easy to hear.  Then the challenge of obedience will be easier to face.  I think…

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