Monday, September 12, 2011

Waiting on My Master

This is one of those three-part entries that I sometimes struggle to get clear. Chambers initially references Matthew 20:22 where James and John ask to sit on His right and left in His Kingdom. But throughout the rest of the entry he references Luke 11 and 18. The point Chambers is making is that sometimes my Master is not clear and I need to wait through the confusion before I understand what or why; or receive what I ask for. Here he stretches the passages to make his point, but I like his point.

In Luke 11:5-8, Jesus tells the story of the friend asking for bread in the middle of the night to feed a surprise guest. Jesus makes the point to ask persistently. Chambers makes the point that sometimes my Master does not appear to be a friend. In Luke 11:11-13, Jesus uses worldly father relationships to explain that my Master will give even better gifts. Chambers uses the description to point out that my Master may seem like an unnatural Father (and that's where he loses me). And in Luke 18:1-8 Jesus tells the story of the unjust judge to again emphasize the need for persistence in prayer. Again, Chambers focuses on what my Master seems like.

Assurance that the character of my Master remains regardless of how I seem to be treated has always been a fairly easy test for me. My family helped tremendously. My natural father was neither the easiest, nor the most loving parent, but I never doubted that he loved me. It was there, sometimes under the surface, but I never had to wonder. My mother was very wrapped up in making ends meet, keeping the house from imploding, my father mollified, and dealing with tremendous family stresses involving us four kids. I sometimes felt a bit lost and adrift. There was a lot going on and I was such a minor part of it. But I knew I was loved.

A set of parents like that, with so much on their plate, can seem distant, or unnatural, or unfriendly. And sometimes I felt they were, sometimes all those things. But there was always the sense that I was loved. Perhaps they wanted me to accomplish more, or wished I were wiser (what parent does not wish that?); but I never felt that I was unloved. I may have doubted how "acceptable" I was, but only in a sense. My mother is very encouraging, but sometimes strains the credibility of her encouragement. Not always, but it was noticeable if not obvious. I wanted the credible encouragement, perhaps that the best way to put it.

So always loved, but not always encouraged the way I wanted? Oh gee, how did I survive? I have met very few people who grew up in a home as safe as mine. As I have grown older, I understand and appreciate that all the more. So, I get it when my Master doesn't do what I want when I want the way I want. I get that. I can easily say, in a sense, "welcome to my world." Where I struggle is in being able to relax into His provision of material and timing. I get impatient waiting for Samuel and want to begin the sacrifice myself (1 Samuel 13). That is a really bad idea. So, I do struggle at this point, just not like Chambers suggests, or not entirely.

My application for today is to let my Master be Master; master of time, material, and opportunity. I will seek to be ready in season and out to obey His voice, take the opportunities He provides, and respond with the assurance He has my back. Fearless service to my Master is my goal for the day. This could be tough (when is it not?). I'll have to let you know what happens later, only this time really let you know instead of writing that and never letting you know. Well, I have to get to it.

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, September 12

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