Thursday, January 19, 2012

01/19/11 - MUFHH - Genesis 15:12

The picture is the moon. Trust me. The fuzz is from taking a warm phone out into the cold damp air to take the picture. In Genesis 15:12 while Abram is obediently waiting on God, deep sleep and then 'great terror darkness' falls on him. It is then, in the midst of such a disturbing experience Abram sees the smoking pot and hears God speak. How often have I sought one example of God speaking in the Bible over another? I want the still small voice, the angel who vaporizes the meal I fix with his staff, or the disobedient donkey I keep smacking. That would be cool. Night terrors are not my preferred way of hearing and seeing God. But I don't get to choose the way He speaks. I only get to choose to listen, and watch for Him. I am consoled by the presence of God in the terror darkness with me. But that I would find Him there teaches me not to trifle with my Master. He is more terrible, awesome, and overwhelming than I can handle. With that perspective, now I can pray.

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