Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Am I Destined For More Than This? Is The Wrong Question

This has to be an entry made up of a lot more that was said by Chambers.  There has to be some pieces missing.  The initial ideal is the calling to be a holy one.  Then Chambers goes into a vision tested and proven in the crucible of the “valley” experience of yesterday.  His point today is that the vision does not become a reality until going through the valley, and that my Master doesn’t let me avoid it, but hunts me down.

In some sense I like the idea that my Master won’t just let me slink away from a vision He has given me.  On the other hand, I can’t help but wonder about leaving the ministry.  I believe it was the right, or at least necessary, thing; even now.  But now I question that assumption.  Part of what I’m struggling with comes from the context in which Chambers writes.  His is at a school for missionaries and that is his audience.  So he spends a lot of time on ministry-focused calling because that is what is at stake in that place.  So his context continually brings me around to consider my own.

I don’t know that I am called to be a phone-sales person for the rest of my life, but I do know several people who have been at the job I do for a very long time.  I’m not sure I want that or that my Master wants that for me.  But, on the other hand, I’m not sure He doesn’t either.  The situation I am in now does not provide a large degree of vertical movement within the company.  While I’m grateful to the company and my managers for the opportunity to do this, I don’t harbor illusions that I can manage some group remotely; unless it were a group of remote individuals, and we don’t have that yet.

But regardless of opportunities, the reality I need to focus on is the direction my Master has me in now.  Right now He has clearly placed me and my family in this place.  He has made every provision for us here.  So, I know that right now, He wants me to continue in this place doing what I already do.  Since I haven’t been told anything else so far, I will continue on that track.  The vision given so far is to be His holy one right here.  I have a wife and daughter I am to comfort and love, and I have a church in which to minister.  I have stuff to do.

I don’t need more, but if my Master leads to more, I’ll just need to be ready, and listening for His call.  I am content to be His servant in this situation and this set of circumstances.  I am content to wait on Him for whatever else He leads me to.  I will be content to take from His hand without grasping for more control and what I can make.

On the other hand, I don’t want to be that servant who buried his talent of silver.  I know that in what I have been trusted, I need to put it to work.  So, right now I will focus on being a good husband, father, church member, and employee.  I will not loose sight of what I have right here in my daily life looking for the possibility of more.  In this time and place, perhaps the valley of reality that Chambers refers to, I will be faithful to this vision and this calling.

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, October 4

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