When, just six or seven months ago, I was still ruled by these raging passions, depression, sinful self-centered sinful patterns. I am not far enough away from those that they do not still exert influence, and I still must be very vigilant. But just in this short time I have noticed a difference in how my Master has been working in me. This experience of transitioning to another state has been incredibly different than any other of our 5 moves.
I believe the others were still led by my Master, but the peace was not there to this degree, the provision was not as obvious, His finger prints were not as clear as they are now. I assume that part of that difference is that I am in a better place to see all those things. But part of it is that He is doing something differently this time. And while I believe I am in a better position and more available to Him, I am not under the impression that this state has somehow earned this clearer manner. That would be absurd.
In the passage Chambers uses from John 14, Jesus again asserts that anything requested in His name is a done deal. Here, though, is a new twist. I didn’t even know to ask for some of the provision He has provided. Actually the major parts of the provision were total surprises to both my wife and me. So that is not to what this passage is referring. Instead, I believe it may be pointing me to another part of my responsibility with my Master. Chambers says it has to do with intercessory prayer.
There are no shortage of people who I know need my Master’s help. I have a sister and brother-in-law who have reached a point where my Master must lead somewhere, even if it is to remain. They have reached a point which requires a decision, and options are running thin. How about them? They could certainly use some prayer on their behalf. And there are others, at work, at church, in my apartment complex, even people I pass while driving or walking about this city. There is no shortage.
So, that is one need, and one application of this promise to have what I ask in the name of my Master. Are there others? Yes, I believe there are. But all of the other applications are tied to a center which Chambers clearly points out. He calls it the “Atonement of the Lord”, and I believe he is referring to the work of Jesus to enable me to relate to Him; all of that work, past (the cross and resurrection), present (His Holy Spirit), and future (presence with Him in His glory). If this work of my Master forms the center of my personality, then I will be able to work and act as if Jesus were the One working and acting.
Richard Foster referred to praying with this sort of relationship, and he called it “praying the words of God after Him.” In other words, the words used in my prayers would be the words of my Master in my mouth. Therefore they would naturally be “in His name” since they originated with Him in the first place. I wouldn’t have to wonder if He would say yes, I could ask with the confidence that a child has asking her parent for a sandwich for lunch.
But I could also decide on a course of action with the confidence that this course is in agreement with my Master. I could speak to someone with the confidence that what I said were the words of my Master. These things would also be marked with an open humility that I have little to do with them or their outcome. It wouldn’t occur to me that I did or said any of it. My surprise would be that they came through me at all.
So the “abiding” from John 15 which follows this discourse, dovetails with it nicely. It is not just prayer, but life. Or perhaps daily life is prayer. I am not there yet, that would be really cool. In either case, I can say that, at this point, in the way my Master is working out this move, I am a spectator rather than a participant. This is not one of those “abiding” in my Master things, nor is it that we asked in my Master’s name, so we have it. What we asked for is clarity, but I already know my Master is not always interested in clarity, so that was what we wanted.
I may be in a position where I am more attuned to my Masters’ voice, but I must admit that the provision we are experiencing is not the result of that. I believe that the result of that sensitivity is the peace I am enjoying in the midst of the loose details. And I believe that the peace is fragile; dependent upon how attuned I am to my Master. My serenity is a borrowed thing that belongs to my Master which He lends to me while in His presence. I enjoy it as I walk before Him. The provision is His deal, and while I am humbled and grateful, I do not suffer under the illusion I had anything to do with it.
In fact I suspect that the clarity of my Master may be an indicator that a spiritual storm is brewing in our destination. It could be that this clarity will be a necessary anchor for me when things go off track, the wheels come off my cart of desires, and I am temped to believe we did the wrong thing. Well, be that as it may, this is the road that my Master has clearly laid before me and my family. So, here we go, U-Haul and all.
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