June 1st, and summer is in full swing already. It is already hot, but the wind blows, keeping it bearable. How often had the wind been in the mind of the writers of the Scripture? It cools making the unbearable bearable, and sometimes it destroys. In many languages, spirit and wind are either related or the same. It seems it is a great illustration for my Master to use to make His ways among us clearer.
Chambers uses probably the most familiar text in Ezekiel, the valley of dry bones in chapter 37 (every preacher wants to preach this text, the irony is just too rich). In verse 3, my Master has shown the prophet the valley and now asks, “Can these bones live?” Chambers points out that there is no deliberation on the point by the prophet, he simply says, “You know, Lord Yahweh.” The point Chambers makes is that we should be that way. I like his reasons why. To say, “yes,” is to put ourselves in the picture of their living and only the image of my Master belongs there.
I have been asked in interviews for ministry whether or not I am “evangelistic,” and I really dislike the question. What I need to do when asked that is to then ask them to define their term. Because invariably it seems they want to know if I will be witnessing to folks to lead them to faith in Jesus. In other words, will I be the “salesperson” for the church directly, for my Master obliquely? I usually answer no. Because I hate sales. Sales implies that I have some sort of control over the process; as if I can “bring them in”, and can keep a tally of all those I have won to my Master, “another notch in my pistol” and all that. Hogwash! Am I the God of Creation that I can save anyone? I can’t even save myself!
The best I can hope for, and I do hope for, is to be an influence in the lives of others to the power and glory of my Master. When I point to His existence, point to His inspired Scripture, then attempt to stay out of the way of His Spirit, I am that influence. Too much of me will spoil the soup, that is a guarantee. I am the broken pot which He has chosen, an example of His radical acceptance and healing power. I am the lost one without hope of saving myself, an example of the Great Shepherd and Super Hero’s desire and compassion for such empty husks of humanity.
I have had people mention to me that they do not witness because they do not know enough of Scripture. I have studied on a scholastic level for over 10 years, and I don’t either. I already know that it doesn’t matter how much I know, I don’t know enough to save someone or convince them they need Jesus. But I know the One who does.
It is the glory of my Master to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to search out a matter. Since my Master and my King are one and the same, I leave the searching out to Him, since He hid it. What I mean by that is I cannot know the heart and life of another, even when they reveal part of it to me. Only my Master knows all that. So, it cannot be up to me connect the good news of my Master’s desire for someone to their life. But I can be sensitive to the Spirit of my Master and follow His lead, allowing Him to make the connection.
I haven’t prayed with many, leading them in a prayer of salvation. Most of those with whom I have prayed were during my ministry either in Texas or Idaho. I don’t even remember most of their names. That may sound bad, but the impact I had on them was minor compared with the impact of my Master. I don’t want to be remembered, not really. I want the experience to be remembered and I want the experience to stick. But mostly I want my Master to be remembered, how they were saved by my Master. They may have prayed with some pastor, but they were saved by the Master of the Universe.
I hope I have had some sort of positive effect in the place I work now, among my co-workers. Yet, I know that my mistakes have not been without witnesses. So, what I am a witness to and an influence in is the radical forgiveness and acceptance of my Master. Since so many need that, I hope my Master uses such a witness and influence.
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