Yesterday, our U-Haul truck broke down. It just would not get down the road any longer and died 2 miles outside the next village. As remote as it was, it took the service guy over an hour to get to me. The day was about 125 degrees, the wind was fierce, and what with the truck acting up and all, I wasn't running the AC. The wind through the driver-side window was like driving through a major blow dryer on high, and I was barely able to get over 45. We had a goal of getting another 150 miles down the road that day, but it wasn't happening.
So, this morning, Chambers' entry is about not seeking to save myself, but relying on my Master. He also points out that saving my life does not mean saving my things. It does not mean saving me from difficulty or problems. I get this reminder the day after that it may not go all that easily in my life. Chambers says that I should respond to this by not trying to do the sound sensible thing, but the obedient thing; to continue on in obedience even in the face of difficulty.
Ok, so how did I respond yesterday? Well as it turns out, my wife and I found the difficulty really amusing. It is unmistakable that my Master is leading, perhaps herding, us to our destination. If it were clearer He would have used neon (considering we are moving to Nevada that may have been appropriate). The obedient thing is to continue the move. But since it is so unmistakable that my Master wants us in Nevada, it also became clear my enemy does not want us anywhere near our destination, does not want us to worship as we go, and certainly does not want us to testify to the power and glory of my Master.
One lady here where we stopped said that it's never this hot. The problem with the truck may have been just a dirty fuel filter (let's get more than 2 miles down the road before we claim that one). The guy who came to my rescue last night was really great, and that he had to come so far meant he didn't have to be that nice. Oh, and I had both windows down in the cab, so I rolled up the driver-side window, and was shocked at how much the wind cooled getting from the passenger side over to me.
Yes it was a hard day yesterday, but it was just another day. The Master who has demonstrated Himself to be Master over all the other details in this move is also Master of Time. He may want us in Nevada, but He also wants us there at a particular time. We may have been in too much of a hurry. Silly us. So we take it as His pace.
It's now nearly 6 am, and it's as cool as it's going to get today. We are getting ready to head out once more, and I am looking forward to the adventure my Master has ahead of us. Hang on, let me grab my whip and fedora! Oh and ice, don't let me forget ice.
Ok, things that came to mind as I read: Isaiah 43 Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summond you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; ...
ReplyDeleteAnother thing: the storm on the sea the disciples experienced that was so frightening until Jesus calmed it -- wasn't that something that happened before they reached the other side and met up with the demon-possessed man? And Jesus cast out that bunch of demons into the herd of pigs? Your point about the enemy's intent to disrupt your journey to God's destination is a good one.
I like ice, too.