The setting of the three questions Jesus asks Peter on the beach after His resurrection has drawn me lately. Chambers uses this discourse as a jumping off point into why I should serve. He says that the first question is the point, and the command Jesus gives is the right response. The point is my love for my Master. The response to this love is service.
I agree. And I agree for the reasons Chambers gives. When I serve out of devotion to what I do or to the effect of what I do, I will eventually fail. I will grow tired, frustrated, emotionally drained, bored, or even so angry I will go the polar opposite direction. But when my motivation for whatever I do is rooted in my devotion for Jesus, my love for Him and Who He is, then I will have no problem serving.
The reason this is true is really very simple. The frustrating thing about any ministry in any church is always the people being served. This is not true sometimes; it's a maxim, an underlying fundamental truth. There are those who do not believe in the "Total depravity of man," but it's true. People are totally depraved, even those in church. What this means is that when service is motivated by the effect it will have on such people, their depravity will eventually crush the servant because the effect will not be sufficient enough to motivate. When that happens, the servant is burnt out.
I can only serve depraved people by first loving my Master so much, the depraved throng is really beside the point. There is no end to my Master's love for me, and nothing can separate me from His love. He has ensured that I am connected to Him for eternity. The service is not so much about the effect it has on others as it is about the extent I will be submissively obedient to my Master regardless.
My devotion to my Master is the only real valid motivator for service. This way, I am only serving in the capacity He directs, not whatever ministry "hole" appears in the church. This way, I am serving in the way my Master wants, not the way the service has been done in the past. This way, I seek the approval of my Master, not the approval of the depraved throng.
Now, this should bother some who might read this. I hope some read this and ask themselves indignantly, "Why help people in ways they don't want to be helped?" And I think that's a great question, and one which runs through my mind as I venture out into ministry. But it is the wrong question. The answer is absurdly simple. What people want is rarely what they need. If I follow the directions of my Master, then He will use me to meet needs, not pander to the whims of a depraved mob.
I hope also that some who read this and are offended by my constant references to "church people" as a "depraved throng" and "depraved mob". I would be, if someone referred to me that way. But the truth is that I am every bit a part of that depraved throng and mob. I want church to "fit" me, or be what I want it to be, or meet some sort of unexpressed expectation, or whatever. I am not happy with church in many cases. And I am really not looking forward to looking for a new one.
I am caught in the truth that my Master has decided to work in this world through such depraved throngs and mobs to make His presence, power, and grace known to the whole world. I think it's a busted plan, but the nice thing is that I get to be included. The downside is that my inclusion means I often contribute to the problem as much as I am a part of the solution.
So, it is only my devotion and focus on my Master that will limit my contribution to the problem of working through depraved people to reach other depraved people. My devotion to my Master will minimize my effects and maximize His power and grace. What results will be totally impossible to explain apart from the work of my Master. It will not look the way the church wants, it will not meet their expectations, it will not be what they experienced before. It may quite possibly annoy the heck out them (and depraved people could always do will a bit less heck, in my opinion).
My goal as I move into this new phase of my life is to look constantly to what my Master has for me to do. I know where He wants me to do it, I know some of the things it will include, and I know the timing. I have no idea what it will actually be. It is a new adventure, and I need to enjoy the journey, but never lose sight of my Master.
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