Monday, June 13, 2011

My Response to the Creativity of my Master

The various ways Chambers looks at abandon to my Master is really amazing. I like the one today. In Mark 1:17, Jesus is calling the first of His disciples, and He simply says, "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of people." Chambers point is that, when that call is made, do not then use temperament as an excuse to not follow, or my natural affinities as defining what I will follow Him to do. The point Chambers makes is that the creativity of the Master cannot be matched by His creatures, so don't try. I shouldn't try with myself, and I shouldn't try with others either. But he says there will be opportunities to be the catalyst of my Master's call to others as well.

Well, the creativity of my Master in His work with me has been evident, especially lately. His provision has taken forms I didn't expect, His direction has taken forms I didn't expect. The timing was funny too. But even as I look back on my ministry, I see strange opportunities. I still find it weird that I got along better with fringe people in church, and un-churched lost people than I did with those in the church. I grew up in church, and attended a conservative Southern Baptist church all my life. And my views are fairly conservative, so why would I be so drawn, and see such acceptance from those who were so different than me? Even as I attended churches after my ministry, I still found myself more attracted to, and attractive to, newly churched and unbelievers. I know that part of the reason lies with the lines in which my experiences and learning has taken me. But that only describes a small portion of the reason. Lots of ministers were exploratory in their learning, and lots have grappled with struggles of one kind or another, including addictions, including the one I struggle against.

So, the hand of my Master has been evident, as well as His creativity. The unique way I see Him working now is actually very consistent with what I have seen in the past. I believe one very different aspect now is my openness to it and to Him. As part of that openness to Him I see a lot of areas of growth; as a father, as a husband, and as a person. I see that my inconsistencies are often the mark of growing pains or paths. I see that changes that occur in my attitude have a lot to do with things my Master is doing that particular day, and sometimes a bad attitude stems from not particularly liking what He is doing, a mark of rebellion. At other times I see inexplicable good attitudes that seem detached from circumstances.

I wish that evidence of my Master's creativity with me was also evidence that I am a mature believer and follower of my Master. But there are so many big areas of growth. My daughter is at an age where I have this one last chance to be the influence I should have been all along. I feel as if I am running out of time. I also see the big changes my Master has made in me, and reviewing this blog occasionally is helpful for a perspective. I do appreciate the things I see that my Master has been doing and continues to do in me, but I also want to keep current with things to be done. I don't want to miss what He is working on in me because I am happy with where I am. My contentment must be rooted in my Master, not my current circumstances. I already know those are about to change. I have a lot to do in two weeks. But I have an amazing Master to follow doing them.

My Utmost For His Highest, June 13, Oswald Chambers

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