Now Chambers uses another verse from the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5. This time he's applying the principle to make friends with your adversary on the way to court. His application cut right through my normal dismissal of this principle. I don't have legal adversaries, so I can ignore this one. Not so.
Chambers applies this as a law of Jesus applicable in relationships. When I want to prove I am right more than I want that restored relationship, then this rule applies. That happens to me way too often. The result is that I will pay in full measure for this attitude. And how many relationships have I let be ruined because I had to be right?
Today I have an opportunity to apply this rule. The U-Haul will be unloaded today. We will probably turn it in later today or tomorrow. When we do, I have a bone to pick with U-Haul in general, not the very nice people working the office here. The truck broke twice and we were delayed twice. Each delay put us behind where we really wanted to be. So, do I fight for recompense or gently work their system for some reconciliation?
We are living in this area. So making enemies is foolish, and expensive. Any delay was eventually made up, and we arrived on time, actually a bit early. So, yes, we were delayed, spent some time on the side of the road. But we also met some great people. The eventual solution worked out as only my Master can work things. Pete came to us on the side of the road, and he had sent another guy towing a car to Albuquerque. When he found it was the fuel pump, he asked the guy already in Albuquerque to check on picking one up. The guy found the one in Albuquerque, and therefore anywhere within hundreds of miles. While the guy was on the hour-long trip back from Albuquerque, Pete pulled the old busted fuel pump, shortening the time from two hours down to one. They thought we were "lucky", but I know better.
So how much of a problem were the delays? In reality, not much. We didn't stay in the places we expected, but we made it here on time. The journey legs were different, some shorter, some longer than we planned, but my Master got us here right on time. He proved Himself to be Master of Timing.
So, I have one more detail to resolve before I can work remotely. The "black box" that makes it all connect is delayed by over a week. So, my Master of Timing is also Master of this problem. It really is not something I need to resolve. I need to resolve to submit to my Master's timing. I think I have the easy part, and He has the "heavy lifting." So, what else is new?