Monday, November 14, 2011

What, How, and For As Long

There are a couple of things in today’s entry that touched an issue with me.  But the one that reaches deepest is the last one.  He mentions not making consistency in a conviction a fetish, rather be devoted to God.  I think this relates to the limited understanding I have of my Master and His plans.  In other words, rather than get stuck on one thing one way, allow that my Master may change what I’m doing and how.  Chambers points out that Jesus appeared very inconsistent.  He doesn’t give examples, but just in the way He never heals the same disease the same way twice it is clear.

I have to really watch this weakness in myself.  When once I experience success in something my Master has led me, I want to experience the success over and over, so I try performing the same thing the same way, hoping for the same result.  If success depended on me, I would be able to reproduce the success consistently.  I can’t.  I never do.  The success was never mine, it was always my Master, and I can’t reproduce success by only reproducing my small contribution.  The same is true when I try to reproduce the success of others in my own life.  I can’t reproduce the work of my Master in their success, so I can never reproduce the success.

What this means is that I am supposed to do what my Master tells me the way He tells me to do it for as long as He gives it to me to do.  And then I’m supposed to move on to a new task, when He tells me, do it like He tells me, for as long as He has me doing it.  I don’t like leaving one success and diving into another “startup”.  I want to enjoy the “fruit” of my success, the adulation of my peers (you know, just once would be nice), and feeling of pride in a job well-done.  The problem is that it’s not my success, the praise belongs to my Master, and my pride is misplaced since I should boast in my Master.  Once again, it’s not about me.

The death of me is the path into the life of my Master.  This is one of those areas where there is too much of me left, and more needs to go.  It’s subtle, and I often miss it.  I think that I am flexible, that I don’t want to reproduce the success of others; but since I want the praise they received (jealousy?) I actually do want exactly that.  Such a realization slides right by my spiritual sensors with the deodorant of self-righteousness.  The resulting resentments and bitterness are the clues to what really is going on and how it got that way.

It was a different way that my Master led me out here.  It will be by a different path and method that He leads me to anything I do while I’m here.  The only consistency in the method will be my submission and obedience.  Beyond that, I have no idea what or how I will be doing anything.  Being comfortable with that will bring peace, and I will only be able to be comfortable with that as I trust my Master.  I must trust His timing, His design, and His method.  And then I need to continue to trust Him all through until He moves me on to something else.  Is it odd to say that this used to be easier?  It feels odd.  Shouldn’t it be easier now?

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