Sunday, November 27, 2011

Living Life Through Another World

Is living in the world, but not being “of” the world possible?  I believe it is in the sense that the Scriptures use the word “of”.  In the original languages, the case of nouns normally translated with the preposition “of” is typically a possessive form.  Fortunately, “of” has this meaning in much of the English usage as well.  So, not be “of the world” would mean I’m not possessed by the world.  And in that sense I agree with the statement.  Chambers refers to Jesus living in another world rather than living aloof.  I believe that is an important key to a life in but not of this world.

Paul says that our battle is not against flesh and blood and then provides a list of enemies in the spiritual sphere; enemies we can’t see.  It is the awareness of this sphere that helps me live in another world while in this one, or will once I learn better focus on my Master.  The enemies Paul lists exist in the same sphere inhabited by my Master, and He is Master of that sphere too.  I don’t want awareness of the spiritual sphere to be aware of these enemies as much as to be aware of my Master.  It is His reality I am after. 

I referred to emotional problems, or problems that affect me emotionally, as “handles” for my spiritual enemies.  When I hold a grudge, harbor resentment, brood on a hurt, or revisit the feelings of a hurtful event, I am providing a hand hold for my unseen enemies.  They can use those to introduce ideas that are not from my Master.  Distracted by these, my selfish sense of entitlement rises and I have left focus on my Master.  Once there, I am easy prey for my spiritual enemies.  Focused on my Master, these emotional memories become more fodder for my sacrificial pyre, chaff of my life to be burned so He can continue to transform me.

These emotional hurts and hang ups come, but if my response if not awareness of this spiritual sphere my enemies in this sphere can attack me.  Awareness of this sphere enables me to continue focus on my Master putting these things before Him and receive His healing.  I believe this is a sort of spiritual discipline that will become automatic over time, but I have a lot of practicing to do.  I want to be so much in this sphere that it feels weird not to be.  That way I will more readily return to it when I am distracted from it.

What this awareness does is expand what I see around me.  It is no longer rude and obnoxious people (or shop keepers) that oppose me but their tormentors who sense in me their enemy.  When I am aware of this sphere, I respond to the proper enemy rather than their human victim.  How can I truly have a heart for those dead ones apart from my Master without being aware of their oppression which keeps them captive?  If I see them as merely annoying, I am missing the “rest of the story”, as Paul Harvey might describe it.  There’s more going on and I’m only seeing a portion of it.

I know mental and emotional oppression personally.  This should give me an even greater sensitivity to it.  And yet, my fear is not yet suppressed to the point I can be brave in the face of these enemies.  I still look at the wind and waves, and take my eyes off my Master.  I still wonder what it would look like, what people will think, and I succumb to the waves.  The gates of hell cannot keep out the truth of my faith, so why would I fear these enemies?  They are already defeated!  This is my Master’s will, that I engage this world with the awareness of His constant mastery over it all.  It is my connection to Him that enables me to engage.

The freedom I have enjoyed this past year is the path to this awareness.  It is really awareness more of my Master than of the enemies, but it includes them in the sense that I see them as defeated foes.  Seeing my Master more clearly, more consistently I will not fear to engage in life in this world.  Evil will not be my path, but peace and joy, even when surrounded by evil.   It is a righteous life of knowing my Master more.  I can’t think of a higher aspiration or better goal.  And I can’t think of anything else I can do that will affect my neighborhood more.  It’s time to put on my swim trunks and dive into the deep end of the pool!  Cannon Ball!

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