Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ambitionless Advancement: A Spectator Sport

I found today’s entry in MUFHH encouraging, but probably for the wrong reason.  I have always had very “fuzzy” ambition.  I have proceeded through my life meandering from one thing to another, and looking back I have often thought I should have picked a career and stuck with it early.  I thought I was with ministry but found out otherwise.  I have been the longest at my current job, and I have been at my current position the whole time.  I feel some shame from that because I think that I should be “further along” in my career path at my age.  But this entry begins by saying otherwise.

Wanting to get ahead and promoted because I think that’s what supposed to happen is different than having some burning passion for advancement fueling schemes and so on.  When my work offered to let me stay on and work remotely, that was all the promotion I needed.  My wife probably makes more money than I do with all the promotions she received to come out here, but I’m happy doing the work I do like I’m doing it.  It’s not like I’m likely to get an offer to move up in my world into something executive or managerial; not working remotely like this, I’d have to return.  I can’t, or won’t.  Either way, I’m at my ceiling, and that’s cool.

The way Chambers puts it, if I’m not able to articulate my “aim in life” I am more available to my Master for His aim for my life.  That sums it up.  He brought my family out here and provided everything to make it happen.  And He provided at an astonishing level.  We wanted for nothing.  We have had to reduce down the stuff of our lives, but He even provided for that.  But I was ready to move without His provision being obvious.  I really didn’t see some of what He had in store until I surrendered my attempt to provide for myself.  I had to be willing to move with no provision in sight to an area without jobs, and I was.

And I say this not to brag.  It was a long hard work of my Master to bring me to such a place, and what happens here is really beyond my understanding.  I don’t get it most of the time, and my only contribution is reply to my Master, “Okay, whatever, let’s go” which is not that huge a leap of faith really.  It’s just I wasn’t even at that place not so long ago.  So, this is really not much to my credit.  I simply became willing to watch what my Master would do, and will do.  I suppose that is a leap of faith for me, but I know plenty of others for whom that has been a way of life.

Not having my own agenda means that I am available for my Master’s agenda.  That’s the point I walked away with from Chambers’ entry.  I look at my life and see that this point has proved true in my life.  And because I have seen the truth of it, I have also been blessed to see my Master’s hand do the amazing things He has.  I also look forward to what happens next.  I have my multi-tool, my steel-toed insulated boots, old baggy jeans, sweatshirt, and warm hat.  Time to pray!

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