Sunday, May 8, 2011

Learning Patience From A Beagle

Happy Mothers Day!  This morning, I am up too early.  And I cannot go back to sleep partly because I am frustrated with my dog.  He will not take care of business when I take him out to pee and poo.  Every smell and every sound is a distraction.  He hates being leashed and is stubborn in resisting being led or being kept from wandering.  I spend way too much time waiting for him only to have him do nothing.  I have tried staying in one place.  I have tried moving from place to place.  He won’t do what I need him to do.  And then he pees on the carpet.  I’m about ready for a pair of beagle slippers at this point.

On the other hand, my Master leads me to good ground, and I don’t take care of business.  He has tried leaving me in one spot, and tried moving me around.  I resist being leashed, wanting to go where I want distracted by bright lights and movement out of the corner of my eye.  I do the right thing, but sometimes in the wrong spot.  I am sure that He has been about ready to make a pair of Matty-slippers at times.  But He doesn’t.

The patience which my Master displays with me is not an easy attitude to take on.  I have trouble with beagles and daughters.  I struggle with patience in traffic and with my wife.  But not with my Master, not yet.  It’s possible that, once we have moved, are without a house, without jobs, and struggling with financial fears, I may loose my patience with my Master.  I did moving out here.  But I also came around to complete trust before He delivered security.  So, I know that, while in much of my life I do not “do patience”, with my Master I have reserves of it. 

And by processing my struggle with patience, I have released the tension from my frustration, and can barely keep my eyes open.  So, I’m headed back to bed.  I hope the dumb dog doesn’t pee on the carpet. 

Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost For His Highest": May 8th.

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