I love Romans 8, so when Chambers goes there in MUFHH, I know it will be a good one. Today, he uses the ending of the chapter. It follows on the accusations I suffer from the Adversary who accuses me before my Master. The problem with this effort is that the Judge's Son defends me, and He has already paid for the requirement of Justice Himself. So, the effort to accuse me has no real effect on the outcome of my future, only the situation of my day today. This is because, while my Master pays no attention to the accusations from His defeated foe, I listen, and often believe the Accuser rather than my Master. The Accuser sounds more rational, and I suspect he's right.
Eventually I come around to the truth that nothing can separate me from the love of my Master, but it sometimes is a round about path to get there. I sometimes need to fight silly battles with myself before I can see through the fog to the reality around me. The truth that my Master has already paid whatever debt I owe to balance Justice means that nothing can separate me from Him, and that includes myself. I forget that. I come around to believing that I have done something that, now, makes me unacceptable. That is not possible. I love that my Master has taken care of all the details. I love that I have nothing to worry about. It seems completely unfair. I love that too. It is unfair. It is the same unfair position enjoyed by every believer and available to every person. But it is still radically unfair.
Because I am unacceptable, yet accepted; because I am a failure yet succeed; because I have missed the mark, and still am awarded the medal; my situation is completely unfair. I am permitted to enter the dwelling of my Master not because I earned it, or achieved it, or even somehow out smarted the system. I am permitted because of the love of my Master. The love of Jesus, the love of God in Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, the working out of His plan and desire in this world all conspired to bring me into a relationship with Him, and keep me there. That is why I cannot be separated from His love. That is the reality I live out today, the reality I enjoy everyday. It is where my peace comes from, where my serenity is housed and flows from. That truth guides my life, not just my day. It is why this blog is written every day. Not out of compulsion, but out of gratitude, out of worship and praise. I am a saved person because my Master saved me. What else matters.
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