One fun element of my life is when I discover I am accidentally right. So much of my life is shot from the hip that discovering I got something right is a fun diversion. There are times I don’t guess, or take an educated guess about facts, and that’s not to what I’m referring. What I’m talking about are those rare times I decide on a course of action, a direction, or even a restaurant and it turns out right. The action was timely, the direction was where I needed to be, the restaurant had a short wait and great food. I wish it happened more, and I have noticed that it has lately.
I have believed that, when my relationship with my Master is in good shape, I have a knack for making good decisions. Obviously the qualifier makes it clear that the “intuitive” process is actually the Spirit of my Master connecting the dots for me out of sight in my unconscious mind. He becomes the “wizard” behind the curtain, and really just as obvious. It clearly can’t be me. So, when Chambers uses Matthew 6:33, this verse makes a lot of sense to me. This is my “secret for success.”
In conversations, I give the impression that I’m smart, intentionally. I also try to give the impression that I do a lot of thinking, probably more than is good for me. But when it comes down to important stuff, the right word at the right time, hard decision, keen insight, stuff apart from random tidbits of useless knowledge, I’m not the one shining through. I can’t be. The real stuff in my life that is truly impressive and not fluff and show comes from my Master. I get my best lines from Him. I get my best insights from Him. He makes me look real good, like a real good supporting actor.
At those times I try to appear smart, I doubt I’m really fooling anyone. When I try to seem deep, my shallow self shows. But when I am truly seeking the Kingdom, my King does the real stuff, and all my pretenses are lost in the reality of His action through me. Then it becomes clear that I am a servant of the King, not the king. It is my hope that I also appear to be a knight of the realm. It is then that my true character marked by the presence and power of my Master truly shines through, and He is truly glorified in me.
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