But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had put to death by hanging Him on a cross. He is the one whom God exalted to His right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him."
But when they heard this, they were cut to the quick and intended to kill them. (Acts 5:29-33 NASB)
First off, I did well yesterday in spite of the loneliness. I faced it, but my Master gave me the strength to continue. It didn't hurt that the job was busy beyond belief though. Today is a new day, and I will succeed today as yesterday, in the strength of my Master.
Now, about these crazy apostles speaking to the assembly of the elders of Israel; are they NUTS? So, as it says, the apostles were jailed and brought before the assembly. This means that the collective memory of Jesus' ministry, teachings, actions, and sayings was standing in defiance to a group intent to kill them. This is possibly the closest the early church came to extinction (at least as recorded in Acts). They may have known this, but they seem to be oblivious.
How do they do that? Some how, they arrived at the clear delineation of what constitutes their problem, and what problems belong to the Master. This particular problem (facing boldly those who would kill them) was something they saw as belonging to the Master. So, they didn't worry about it. How simple! How so crystal clear! How easy! Easy? I would love to say that I am often distracted by the wind and waves as my Master calls me out of the boat to walk on water; I'd love to be able to claim that. Unfortunately, I'm often distracted by ripples and refracted light on the water. To be able to stand with the assurance that all I need to do is obey, and the results (including my demise) are not my problem, that sort of focus I cannot claim.
Notice that this is not one of those places where the speakers are described as "filled with the Holy Spirit", just together. They just were confident, bold, and totally in danger. Or were they in danger? Perhaps these twelve men saw their circumstances more clearly that I am. Sure, on the surface the refracted light and ripples might indicate that they are close to the demise of the "Way". But the teacher who stands and dissuades the assembly makes a good point, "... for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God."
It is possible that the minor distractions of death and failure masked the reality of God standing to defend them. After all, earlier it was the Angel of the Lord leading them out of the jail and commanding them to go into the temple and teach once more. If God can rescue them while completely guarded by their enemies, was the movement truly in any danger? They suffered a flogging, but was there really any possibility they might be killed? Their protection and the sustaining of the Way were not their problems to solve.
How can I gain this assurance, this perspective? The need isn't for a change in attitude, but a vastly different world view; one that clearly understands and lives out the things that are my responsibility. I suspect that my distraction with those things that are not my responsibility are excuses for not accomplishing the things that are; as if I were distracted by "loftier things". I need that view or perspective that sees only what is mine, and is able to leave my Master's things alone. Perhaps it's time for some mental filing. Let me gather my mental manilla folders. This should "de-clutter" the old brain.
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