Saturday, April 23, 2011

Living Through a Saturday of ‘Tweens

It is the Saturday between the crucifixion and the resurrection.  For some reason today seems detached from the season.  But on the other hand, there are things out of kilter, and askew.  Emotionally, there is stress in the household, and I’m not sure why.  There are things that would explain it, but no one thing justifies the emotional tension.  So, the entry in MUFHH for today seems almost far away in application, at least on the surface.

1 Corinthians 3:9 is normally translated as “We are laborers together with God…” but this preposition is both missing, and in the wrong case.  This case is either called the genitive or ablative case.  The normal use of it is possessive, and would otherwise use the preposition “of”, as in “…of God” or …”of Paul” and flows well into English in that possessive sense.  When the preposition is “with” there is a very different case; the dative case, normally used, and refers to the indirect object and/or subordinate clauses of various sorts denoting close relationship like on, with, among, within, in, and so on.  So, the basic translation of this phrase in 1 Corinthians 3:9 might also read, “Of God we are laborers together…” with the corresponding ranges of meaning.  For instance it could mean that Paul and his crew labor along with the Corinthian believers and they all belong to God.

As my wife is so quick to ask, “so what?”  Well, that’s a good question.  The basic element of Chamber’s position remains, and the understanding with which I ended the last paragraph would support his position even more strongly.  I believe that what is happening in my household is a loss of focus on what my Master is doing through us.  This season marks the most amazing event since the incarnation!  And yet we seem stuck on the fickleness of dogs, outbursts of emotional children, noisy neighbors, and stairs.  The greater reality of the season flies by and we are missing it.  How can there be something more important than the action of the Creator of the universe on our behalf?  This is the drama of all drama’s.  This supersedes all other events in history, and marks the cornerstone of human relations with our Maker.  Everything else in life stems from this event, and we focus on the problems played out in 900 square feet of space.

As Chambers pointed out so well, this leads to burn out.  And so it does, and is.  And it is very timely burnout.  This burnout serves to distract from what is happening, being celebrated, and what is true about this season.  The day is flying by, and microwave ovens or cupcakes are no substitute for a focus on a grave, soon to be empty.  And yet it continues to fly by.

Tonight there is a “party” for the employees at my work location.  We celebrate and dance, drink and eat, enjoy each other’s company outside of work, and see the “significant others” talked about at work.  It seems strange to hold this party just now.  But an international corporation would be expected to have no idea of the portents of the season.  And this one seems more interested in public opinion of the wealthy liberal view point (shared with Europe perhaps?) than with any sort of Christian view point.  This is the group partying tonight.

So, I will go, but it will be a surreal experience at best.  What I hope is that it will also be an opportunity to shine in darkness for my Master.  The darkness of the day is part the darkness of a tomb.  Today, evil celebrates the death of my Master.  In this darkness, it seems as if all the evils of All Hallows Eve rage under the surface of a normal Saturday.  Yet even under that under-current of wickedness flows a powerful river of life ready to surge forth from a dark tomb.  I wait for it anxiously.  The earthquake, the bolt of thunder, the angel, the guards, the women on their way, all witness as the Maker of Life lives again.  I wait in the dew-covered grass in a garden, outside a guarded sealed tomb, restless and unable to sit still.  I feel the energy surging through the ground, it’s coming.  Sunday is coming.  I tremble.

Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost For His Highest": April 23rd.

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