Chambers has once again plowed directly through that defining characteristic of Paul I find so frustratingly obvious. Paul’s clear focus on nothing but Jesus is unmistakable. At least that is the characteristic which makes it into the Christian Scriptures. That may not be the whole story, but I don’t have the whole story. So I am left with that part of it which my Master decided to preserve. And I am challenged at a point where I would really like to make excuses, but can’t.
I am a theologian, not in the sense that I am a scholar, but in the sense that I spend time and energy in consideration of God, and write about it. I produce a “word about God” which is what theology means. Now, fortunately, theology carries no requirement in it that the word be accurate, at least not any more than any other –ology. My words about God are as accurate as I can make them from my limited perspective and experience (for instance I have not actually been to heaven to interview Him and observe His daily routine, if He even has one). Being a theologian is one of the characteristics that removes a lot of excuses I wish I had for the stupid stuff on which I focus my life. Paul was also a theologian, but a more successful one, in that his “literary agent” was the Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Paul’s words are said to be inspired by my Master, mine are simply about my Master. So, I am trumped quite thoroughly.
I wanted to establish that very obvious point because I am responsible for what I have been given by my Master. Part of what I have been given is this theological approach within my relationship with Him. In other words, I have been given an aspect of this relationship which runs parallel to other ways of relating to my Master, like church participation, prayer, Bible reading, and so on. Like teaching, this additional aspect carries responsibilities, and I will be held accountable for them. One of the primary responsibilities of any theologian is to actually write something about God, rather than write something about writing something about God. If you read back over some of my previous entries, you might find this trend of not speaking about God as much as speaking about speaking about God. I have become one step removed from what my focus should be.
Can any subject be better and more worthy that the One responsible for the Universe? I look at the skies in the evening wondering if tonight is a night to put up my telescope. I love looking at His creation in this way. Yet I spend more time thinking about the creation than the creator. I do not focus on my Master as I should. I remain one layer removed.
Jesus is the Eternal Son of the Father, the Agent of creation, the Prince of a Peace which defies human wisdom. The activity of the Son on behalf of the Father is one of redeeming from the penalty of eternal separation from God, rebellious created beings. This Jesus has accomplished this and continues to complete it through the agency of His Spirit, distinguishable from my own spirit, in that His is supremely Holy. The action He has taken is to willingly and purposely sacrifice Himself when He had nothing for which to atone. This sacrifice took on the penalty awarded to the rebellious creatures. So, the Eternal Son endured separation from the Father and Holy Spirit on behalf of those who despised Him. But His work did not end. He also experienced a rejuvenation, where the separation from the Father was overcome by the Father, and the Eternal Son was restored to the Father and Spirit. God obtained victory on behalf of His rebellious human creatures through this complete redemption. And now, having accomplished this impossible task, He endures endless acts of rejection to invite all, and welcome any who accept this amazing, incomprehensible gift.
Knowing this, I complain about my day at work. Do you see the problem now? What am I thinking to lower my call to a word about my day instead a word about my Master? All of my weaknesses, problems, and irritations can be summed up in the loss of focus on my Master, and my focus instead on the silly things which surround me. I am one who has accepted the invitation from my Master. What else really matters?
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