Friday, April 29, 2011

Childish Peace–A Worthy Goal?

Today Chambers strikes very near the heart of something within me.  It might be a desire, it might be something about which I feel convicted.  Whatever it is, I know that I want it very much, and I know I am not there yet.

In 1 John 3:2, John points out to the church in Ephesus that we do not yet know what we shall be, only that we are now children of God.  We also know that we will be will be like Jesus when we finally see our Master as He truly is.  That we are now children of God, that I am now a child of God has interesting range of meaning.

Where Chambers goes with this is somewhere I would not have ventured, at least not from this passage.  I’m really glad he did though.  There is an element to the life lived with a centrality of spirit that is very different from what is normally lived.  I live among the wise, those with common sense, who poke fun at the foolish, those who lack sense.  I walk with them and laugh with them, count myself among them, and am probably twice the fool for doing so. 

How wise is a person who cannot create a planet?  What wisdom does someone possess to cannot fathom the construction of the most minute form of life?  Seriously, on the spectrum of wisdom, from complete fool to complete understanding, where would I fall on such a scale?  Perhaps a bit beyond aborigines, and several steps behind molecular biologists.  Either way, I, like the rest of my fellow beings, spend my entire life at the foolish end of the spectrum.  I am socially inept in many situations.  My knowledge is limited in vast tracts of fields.  I do a lot of guessing about people rather than knowing them.  Do I even come close to qualifying as  wise?  Not just no, but absolutely not!  So why pretend?

Chambers points out the obvious but scary alternative.  I like my world to be orderly and predictable.  I serve a Master who is orderly on a level I cannot perceive yet, and He will never be predictable.  I like routines to manage my life.  But my Master is not concerned with my patterns, and draws me into His paths instead.  I want things to move around me with smooth precision and flow (such as traffic!), and I have trouble accepting that it does not, nor will it ever!  This fool needs to embrace his foolishness, and sit patiently waiting for his Master, and then run full tilt when called.  That’s right, the life lived with a focus on the spiritual things blows with the wind, or seems to.  The wind is my Master, His Spirit living within me.  I am to be the leaf or feather.  I’m scared by that.

And yet, I have felt the most peace I have felt in years when I accepted that we were to move out of state, leaving all the comforts behind.  I know that I will feel more ill-at-ease as the time approaches, but still, I know peace right now.  That is a lesson for me.  The unpredictable, the abnormal, unexplainable is my comfort zone.  Sure, my in-laws have asked for help, but seriously, why does that make it imperative that we pack up and move out there?  Because my Master says so.  It’s not an imperative from them, it is a plea, but not an imperative.  The imperative comes from my Master.  Sure I could fight it, but no peace comes from fighting Him.  I could try to reason my way out of it, but see the previous sentence; same problem, bad idea.  There are a lot of “I could”s that would be “wise” and acceptable to the wise people I live among.  This though challenges them to consider my Master.

I desperately want the freedom that comes from wanting only my Master.  I want to be found constantly waiting for the sound of His voice.  I want to be so annoyingly connected to Him that it frustrates people that I have His unpredictability, His apparent foolishness, and His love for people.  Today, I want to be child-like in my walk with my Master, all day.  I think hear the bell for recess, I gotta go!

Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost For His Highest": April 29th.

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