Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grace in the Midst of the Storm

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. (Genesis 6:8 NASB)

"Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish. But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall enter the ark -- you and your sons and your wife, and your sons' wives with you." (Genesis 6:18-19  NASB)

The "favor" found by Noah in the eyes of Yahweh was in the midst of Yahweh's repentance that He had made humanity.  The word used in Greek for this favor is normally translated as "grace".  Thousands of years later, this word would be defined by the Son of God sacrificing Himself on a cross, and then defeating death in resurrection.  Here, grace is defined by the survival of one family and pairs of every animal.

So, grace and favor from God are not only very ancient concepts, but ones found even in the midst of God's wrath.  Love and wrath bound up in the same Person at the same time is confusing.  Yet how often am I angry and yet still love the ones with whom I'm angry?  I also find it comforting that I can find this grace of my Master in the midst of His wrath.

Last night, old patterns of thoughts crept back into my mind.  I shoved them away, and dwelt on other things, but it troubled me that they were back.  I know why they were there, I just don't like that they were there first, before other things.  I don't like that I had to consciously switch gears to get on to other things.  I don't want to be this way.  I suppose I have to continue my lessons, training to think differently.  I had hoped I was further along though.

So this morning I am tired.  I have a small group meeting tonight that I have been anxiously looking forward to for 2 weeks now.  We will discuss Genesis 6, perhaps the whole chapter, perhaps less.  I don't want to have that discussion tired.  But that choice has been taken from me.  I will have it while tired.  I will peek from out of the fog of my thoughts into the eyes of the others, and we'll discuss the giants in the land, the frustration of God, and the grace He gave to Noah.  Perhaps He'll share of that grace with me tonight?

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