Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Comes Next

Asking for something means I cannot provide it for myself. It is a sign of weakness to not be able to provide something for myself or my family. So, to go to my Master on a regular basis to ask is also a sign of submission of my desire to appear strong and capable. Strong and capable is my Master's job, not mine. It would be a huge mistake for people to trust in me instead of my Master. But the practice of this perspective isn't easy. I really struggle with the training where I do it all the time.

The move to Nevada was an easy opportunity. Small changes in schedule are not anywhere as easy. We have travelled out to California to visit family, mine and my wife's, and when and how we do stuff makes a difference. So, here again, I need to submit my will to appear to have control or be in control. It is, as always, my Master who is in control. Even if we left early for the next stage, we have no idea nor can we control what the road will be like, who will be on it, and how many others will join them.

The reality is that schedules are also things we submit to the Master. But what I can control is priorities. So, in the practice of decision making, I put certain things ahead of others. So I will not smell like a rotten onion, I will put a shower ahead of writing more on this blog.

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, July 16

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