Tuesday, January 31, 2012

01/31/11 - MUFHH - Romans 1:1

In Romans 1:1, Paul states that his call into apostleship means that he has been set apart for the good news of God. That purpose really doesn't differ from any other believer, except in the sending out sense (apostle = sent out). Isn't my purpose really about the good news that God is reconciling the world to Himself, not counting our sins against us? So, among those who I work with; the agnostics, the practicing atheists, those disinterested in God; what will God have me do today for that purpose of the ministry of reconciliation? What better news can there be? This is what I have been designed for. And yet it scares the willies out of me. OK, deep breath. Now to get after it!

Monday, January 30, 2012

01/30/11 - MUFHH - 1 Samuel 3:15

When Samuel had the vision as a child of the punishment on Eli's house, he feared to pass it on. So now I have this dilemma in two phases. First, I could sure use a vision telling me what God is about to do in my life. Second, do I have to pass it on, or should I? Or does that depend on the vision? I suppose I should just concern myself with hearing God before moving past that to sharing (I'm not even on cold medicine and I'm this slow this morning?). I wish I could just relax without knowing everything ahead of time. I need that 'peace that passes all understanding' to guard my heart in Christ Jesus. So, I pray a blissfully ignorant prayer of thanks, content in only what my Master shows me, and not making up parts to fill in the blanks. That will require some practice, that will. So, here it goes.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

01/29/11 - MUFHH - Acts 26:15

When Paul heard the voice on the road to Damascus, he asked who it was. I don't feel so dumb when I read that. Of course, he knew who it was, it was the shock of the circumstance that drew out the question. But my circumstances are not a good excuse for wondering about which voice I hear, whether I hear my Master or myself, or worse, my enemy. I move ahead, make decisions, try vainly to see into the near future, and constantly struggle with an unsettling feeling of not knowing. I must seek the peace of God in turbulent circumstances to discern His choice of path. I clearly need more prayer, and perhaps less caffeine.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

01/28/11 - MUFHH - Acts 26:14

I have never been clear about what the comment Jesus makes to Paul about persecuting Jesus and 'kicking goads' really means. What about what Paul did was persecuting Jesus, and what were the painful motivators he fought against? What if Paul's refusal to submit to Jesus in his service to God were the persecution? What if the pain suffered by the believers was not the focus there? Then, when I resist Jesus, it hurts us both. The 'goads' hurt me, and my rebellion hurts Jesus. I believe that sometimes God inspired more than one way of understanding a passage. I wonder if this is one of those. So, resisting Jesus' Spirit does wound me. But it might also hurt Jesus. This makes my search for the will of my Lord all the more important. What, today, is distracting me from my focus on Him? What are my 'wind and waves' that cause me to sink instead of walk?

Friday, January 27, 2012

01/27/11 - MUFHH - Matthew 6:25

Doors hide things, and closet doors even more so. In Matthew 6 Jesus begins to wind down the sermon on the mount by discussing worry. Don't worry, but He does not follow up with, be happy. Don't worry about food, drink, clothes, or house. The soul is more than food, and the body more than clothes. But these are the basics of life. These are the fundamentals of survival. His point is that my Father in Heaven has it covered. I know that on a surface level, but I am concerned on a level not far below that. I am concerned about what others might think. I am concerned about how I look to them. Sometimes I dress to impress, other times to offend. It is still about others or me, not my Heavenly Father, my Master, my Savior. The doors on the closets of my heart hide much that should be open to Jesus and others. Something else to practice.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

01/26/11 - MUFHH - Matthew 6:30

Jesus' answer to worry is to consider the birds and the flowers. I spend a lot of time considering the latest complaint at work, what may happen when this product launches or that program is introduced. I consider the housing market, the employment statistics, and the price of oil barrels (I never buy it that way though). What about the birds and the flowers brings the peace, disspells the worry, and changes the tempo of my mind? The evidence of the care of God. Am I not more important to my Master than these? Jesus seems to think so.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

01/25/11 - MUFHH - 2 Corinthians 3:18

Do others see the glory of Jesus in my face from my time spent with Him? 2 Corinthians 3:18 sort of confuses me. I wrestle with the mirror. Is the Scripture the mirror or is it the face of my brothers and sisters in Christ? The context could be read either way as Paul drops a new metaphor not used in the previous verses. Oswald Chambers thought the mirror was believers. My 'Baptist' upbringing screams out 'Scripture!', but I remain undecided. I think that if it were other believers then I have a large responsibility and I'm not sure I see the glory much at church (not one specific church either). I don't think I present something to veil, and I see little to be veiled. Something is missing in me and my church. Good day for it though. I have an opportunity to see and be seen today. Well, we'll see.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

01/24/11 - MUFHH - 2 Corinthians 3:18

One of my deep pain-points is my calling. There was the certainty of youth which enabled me to pursue the education, and do well. But the disappointment of my failure has eroded my certainty of what I heard in the first place. Paul's description of his call in the vision he saw on the Damascus Road had none of that. He describes it later several times, with slight differences, but the same unwavering conviction. In prison, or in distress, or under persecution, he does not waver. I fear what I can accomplish is insufficient; which is like fearing the sun may rise this morning. But I also fear the futility, the frustration, the loneliness of answering the call. I fear I misunderstood from the start what exactly I was called to. Perhaps I need to start with the first call to the cross, and pick up the 'trail' from there.

Monday, January 23, 2012

01/23/11 - MUFHH - 2 Corinthians 3:18

Do others see the glory of Jesus in my face from my time spent with Him? 2 Corinthians 3:18 sort of confuses me. I wrestle with the mirror. Is the Scripture the mirror or is it the face of my brothers and sisters in Christ? The context could be read either way as Paul drops a new metaphor not used in the previous verses. Oswald Chambers thought the mirror was believers. My 'Baptist' upbringing screams out 'Scripture!', but I remain undecided. I think that if it were other believers then I have a large responsibility and I'm not sure I see the glory much at church (not one specific church either). I don't think I present something to veil, and I see little to be veiled. Something is missing in me and my church. Good day for it though. I have an opportunity to see and be seen today. Well, we'll see.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

01/22/11 - MUFHH - Isaiah 45:22

In Isaiah 45:22 God declares His call to the whole earth. If anyone looks to Him they are saved. That blows me away. How often have I tried to come up with just the right words or argument to influence someone to be saved? How many times have I not spoken about salvation because I was afraid I couldn't explain it or make it clear enough? Right after this verse God declares that every knee will bow and tongue confess Him as Lord. Paul uses that quote in Philippians 2 referring to the glorification of Jesus. So here I have a passage that gets at the root of salvation, look to God. He is God and there is no other. Now, am I looking to Him alone, or do I secretly rely on my own resources in the deep reccesses of my mind? Time for me to start digging for roots!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

01/21/11 - MUFHH - Jeremiah 2:2

My dad used to say that people who liked (something he didn't) 'chased jackrabbits and barked at the moon.' I always thought that a funny phrase growing up, and I'm sure he appreciated me laughing at his jokes. What do I remember about my early life with Jesus, or more importantly, what does He remember about our early life together? Is my faith as firm, my devotion as deep, my purpose as singular? As I look back, there are several places I hope NOT! But there lots of ways, ways that are touched when cry at some children's movie, that I've 'grown out of', and I miss those. I believe Jesus does too. He is much more than 'Puff, the Magic Dragon' who misses the little boy now grown. He is the Ruler and Master of the Universe who misses His wayward ignorant servant and friend. Unlike Jerusalem in Jeremiah 2, I think I'll go back home now; it's getting dark, and I have work to do.

Friday, January 20, 2012

01/20/11 - MUFHH - John 3:3

Born again became an overused term when I was a kid. Oswald Chambers said it is to be fresh with everything, never stale. I believe it also means that I can't rely on my heritage for the basis of my salvation. The faith of my family and church I grew up in has always been important, and it would foolish to ignore their influence. But my relationship with my Master must be based on His activity in my life. He saved me and I respond to Him from that act of grace. For me to be born again means that my identity comes primarily from God's work in my life, and only secondarily from my family history. This is the lesson that Nicodemus was supposed to learn, that being born a Hebrew did not automatically save him from hell. He had to be born from God, base his salvation and relationship with God on God, not his heritage. Being Hebrew was a huge benefit, but not the basis. A dim light only able to set off the objects around in silhouette is not enough to save. Only the light of the Son saves.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

01/19/11 - MUFHH - Genesis 15:12

The picture is the moon. Trust me. The fuzz is from taking a warm phone out into the cold damp air to take the picture. In Genesis 15:12 while Abram is obediently waiting on God, deep sleep and then 'great terror darkness' falls on him. It is then, in the midst of such a disturbing experience Abram sees the smoking pot and hears God speak. How often have I sought one example of God speaking in the Bible over another? I want the still small voice, the angel who vaporizes the meal I fix with his staff, or the disobedient donkey I keep smacking. That would be cool. Night terrors are not my preferred way of hearing and seeing God. But I don't get to choose the way He speaks. I only get to choose to listen, and watch for Him. I am consoled by the presence of God in the terror darkness with me. But that I would find Him there teaches me not to trifle with my Master. He is more terrible, awesome, and overwhelming than I can handle. With that perspective, now I can pray.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

01/18/11 - MUFHH - John 20:28

Service has such a wide variation of meaning, especially culturally. My success at work in sales is largely due to my service attitude. I serve my clients with the products. But service to God is too often easy to perceive as whatever I want to do on God's behalf. I doubt God is really interested in my limited ability to think of what He needs or wants. He wants my availability to what He thinks He wants. He would know, after all. I need to dial down the selective hearing, be still, let His peace permeate my mind, and ignore the wind, earthquakes, and fires. Somewhere at that point there should be a quiet voice of the Creator, my Master. Then my service will be obedience.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

01/17/11 - MUFHH - Galatians 1:15-16

What is the essence of my call from God? Initially it was into a relationship with Him. But what else? To preach? Does that sort of thing change? In Galatians 1 Paul said he was called by God to announce Jesus to the Gentiles (or nations or peoples). God seemed to leave out the 'how', and the 'why' was obvious. But his assurance of that call stayed his whole life. I have not experienced my own call in that fashion. I am bothered by that. Oswald Chambers said that '...service is the echo of my identification with the nature of God.' That does not help me much. What resonates with me as I draw close to God is in these short statements. Is that my vocational call? I guess someone might pay me to stop writing them and filling up their wall. But I still feel hung up for later use.

Monday, January 16, 2012

01/16/11 - MUFHH - Isaiah 6:8

The One who calls me calls is. He is loving, He is wrathful, and He powerful. Just the hem of His rob fills my entire worship space. The voice of His frightening choir shakes what I thought immoveable. I see Him and am ruined, so His attendant purifies me with fire. He takes care of everything preventing me from hearing the call and jumping into it with everything I am. He asks, offers the opportunity to engage in the service of One who employs terrifying four-winged flying monsters, and people like me. He clearly has tremendous range in tastes. But all is holy, nothing profane or common. And that includes me, who must be purified and forgiven as I confess my ruin. I will worship Him in the progression of my obedience.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

01/15/11 - Hockey

Well, there is a pleasant mixture of both fighting and hockey. Although I do have trouble telling the difference.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

01/14/11 - MUFHH - Isaiah 6:8

The model of the call of Isaiah in Isaiah 6:8 sounds like a general call, but Isaiah got to the presence of God by God's devices rather than his own. So it was a general question, but a limited audience. Disciples were called individually, and Paul had to be knocked off his horse and blinded before he heard the call of Jesus. But hasn't every believer already received that particular call to 'follow'? I think it's the call after the initial one that throws believers. Unbelievers don't even wonder about such a thing. After the initial specific call, comes the general call to obedience. I think that is what have missed and still wrestle with today. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that I sense I have made mistakes that hamper my ability to hear and obey. That would make now a perfect time for spiritual disciplines to make me more accessible to God. I have amends to make, pride to crush and swallow, and my Savior to seek in solitude.

Friday, January 13, 2012

01/13/11 - MUFHH - Mark 4:10

In Mark 4, Jesus teaches in parables, and everyone is confused, even the disciples. When they were alone, the disciples asked about the parables and Jesus explained them. They may have not wanted to disrupt their Master with questions, or they may not have wanted to have the crowds catch on that they didn't get it either. In any case, while alone with Jesus,  they received additional explanation. Part of the explanation is His acknowledgement that he is intentionally confusing people with the parables. Clarity is available only to the disciples. I guess what I come away with is two things. First, simply accept that much of what God may say to me may be confusing. Second, get alone with Him to receive clarity.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

01/12/11 - The Value of Group Bible Study

I have eaten early, finished my coffee, and read my devotional. This morning I go to a new group to study the Bible. They don't know me, nor do they expect me. I go because I need Bible study. I go to this one because they meet early in the morning. I heard of them from someone who attends that church. I don't. I go because I see my need to study the Bible; not simply read it and be subject to my own thoughts, but those of others. I need to be challenged with new perspectives and new passages. I still need the alone-time with God, so I took that first. But here I go into uncomfortable circumstances to meet another need. May God use me to bless them, and be glorified overshadowing me.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

01/11/11 - MUFHH - Luke 23:26

If I choose to 'take up my cross', what if there is someone like Simon of Cyrene who is affected? What if my sacrificial obedience to Jesus costs others? Do I scale back my obedience to minimize or remove the cost to others? Or perhaps, I'm not the general but the soldier. Perhaps my role is obedience, and how that obedience fits into the objectives of my Master is not mine to worry about. Perhaps knowing that the overall objective is to glorify God is enough. Maybe concerning myself with how others view me because my obedience is inconvenient to them is really more prideful than considerate. Maybe what I imagined to be the cost of obedience is both different and cheaper than it really is. Well, enough going on about it, 'Geronimo!'

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

01/10/11 - MUFHH - Acts 26:18

In Acts 26:18 Paul is quoting Jesus as He gives Paul marching orders. I find interesting the inclusiveness of the results. Gentiles are the intended audience of these things (see the previous verses). But their inheritance is in those being made holy by Jesus. So they have a portion among those set apart for Jesus' use apart from any common use they may have had before. Am I sure that is what I signed on for? YES! And yet, I find it difficult to keep that perspective daily. I often forget that my life events,  even mundane ones, are holy rather than common merely because I am holy. They are God's events where He is using me for a purpose of His design. So my boredom or complacency is extremely unbecoming of a servant to the king. That mindset will take some training for me. Perhaps if I can change my weight, I can change my mind about this too. That would make me more accessable to God. That would be a success.

Monday, January 9, 2012

01/09/11 - MUFHH - 1 Thessalonians 5:23

In I Thessalonians 5:23, Paul expresses a wish on behalf of believers.  He is closing the letter, and this is one of those expected elements of polite letter-writing in his day. It is an interesting selection though. Complete in number of human elements (spirit, soul, and body) , and complete sanctification in a holistic sense, brought about by the God of Peace for the day of Jesus' arrival. This, then is the sum of the rest of this life; the perfecting work of the God of Peace to keep me blamelessly intact until Jesus comes. I confess I don't make His job easy. But my job is to let Him do His.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

01/08/11 - MUFHH - Genesis 22:9

In Genesis 22, Abraham is asked to give his eternal mark back to God. Isaac represents Abraham's promise from God, and the extension of his life with Sarah. So God uses this incident to purge Abraham of any hold on the things here. Am I holding onto things here, things that will eventually fail? What touched or built by human hands does not wind up as ruin an trash? Am I ready, have already begun to wander afield from the stuff of this life, the "bios" of a life style wrapped in a culture and deep fried in a fading vogue? I think so, but not on every level. I have my "hold-out" items I don't want to give up. God, I'm sure, will purge me of those eventually. Oh goody.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

01/07/11 - MUFHH - John 14:9

I am aware of and long for greater intimacy with Jesus. I know there is more than I already experience, and that it is available to me here in this life. I suspect my fears and prolonged patterns hinder me from reaching deeper. But I long for the transcendent peace which the Spirit produces in someone intimate with Jesus. I also hope. I believe that I can make myself more available to Jesus, and that He wants to draw me deeper into Himself. So I have tottering baby steps to take out of my hindering fears and patterns and toward my Savior.

Friday, January 6, 2012

01/06/11 - MUFHH - Genesis 12:8

Abram pitched his tent between between the "House of God" and "The Ruins". There he built an altar and called upon the Name of Yahweh.

I believe a lot of my life, probably most of it, is spent right there. It's a good lesson to learn that in the 'tweens I can, and should, create fixtures of worship and call out to God; even if I may not be there for long.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

01/05/11 - MUFHH - John 13:36

When Jesus points out my weakness, I hope there will be a caveat like Peter receives in John 13:36. "But you will follow afterwards." At least the knowledge that I won't always be making these same silly mistakes would help me through the process where I do.

I know growth happens and even my mistakes God uses to build my character, but I'd much rather save myself the heartache and learn the lesson quickly. It seems I am a slow learner.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

01/04/11 - MUFHH - John 13:37

One of my struggles as a believer is perceiving God's will. One of the biggest problems I face in that struggle is distinguishing God's will from my own; God's voice from the voice of my own desires.
In John 13:37, so did Peter. Here though Jesus also wanted Peter to follow, but knew he was not able. Peter's question uses a passive verb as if any inability is not his fault, but someone else hindering him.
Where do I face the same challenge to follow Jesus? Where is my invisible line of ability drawn? And do I, follow anyway, as Peter did only to fail in the midst of my enemies?
Well, I will follow, fail occasionally, but always swim to the beach where Jesus stands, resurrected, ready to receive me back.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

01/03/11 - MUFHH - Psalm 97:2

Jesus reigns in glory, but from the vantage point of my place here on earth, He is also shrouded in clouds of deep darkness. It is my limitations in perceiving the Master of this unimaginable universe that makes up the shroud. And I think of it as a Great Nebula in space. These are enormous places of darkness where stars form. As new bright stars emerge, their bright light reflects off the huge hydrogen cloud. That is the only way anyone can see a nebula. Jesus is so holy and enormously divine, He can only be perceived in the reflection of the things He does.

So the love which drove the Master of the Universe to a manger and then a cross, which pulled Him from the grave and back into the heavens shines against the dark cloud about Him. This is the light of my soul.

Monday, January 2, 2012

01/02/11 - MUFHH - Hebrews 11:8

Hebrews 11:8 - Abraham goes forth without knowing the place. He goes with direction, purpose, and end in sight (inheritance). But without knowing anything about his destination. Does he even want to inherit it? Are the people nice? Do they know he's there to "inherit" their land? As it turns out, he doesn't see that day of inheritance. And the only battle he fights is against people of his place of origin (Mesopotamia) and not Canaan. He ends his life owning a burial plot and passing his nomadic life on to his son. So he followed the direction to the unknown place, and never saw the end. Can I go out daily without knowing the details, trusting that Jesus knows them, and let that be enough? It is kinda the story of my married life. This my be another of those years of migration. I will go out without knowledge, again. I hope they build character, because they aren't fun.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

01/01/11 - MUFHH - Philippians 1:20

Philippians 1:20 - The letters of Paul written from prison highlight a foundational inconsistency of mine. I read of his drive to glorify Jesus in any circumstance, written from some of the worst. I read from the comfort of safety, without physical persecution. My faith has not been tested in his arena. In fact, my faith has not been challenged much at all. So where does this passage intersect with my life? In two places. My arena is one of arguments. So I must strive to glorify my Savior at whatever personal cost by tearing down philosophical strongholds contrary to Jesus as Lord. Second, like the prayers and petitions of the Philippian believers encouraged Paul, so I must pray for the persecuted fellow believers across the globe. I want to be accepted, and praying for people I don't know does not hold my attention for long. But it is time to stop whining, grab the sword and shield, and take my place in line with the rest.